Hounslow Health Social Prescriber Self-Referral Form

Social prescribing is a personalised approach to healthcare that looks at all the possible needs of individuals from a non-clinical point of view. It recognises that people’s well-being is determined by a range of social, economic and environmental factors (e.g. housing, financial, employment, isolation). It is by addressing these concerns that individuals become empowered and attain greater control over their lives and therefor their health and well-being.

Our social prescribing link workers support patients aged 18 or over. Social prescribing works well for individuals who have:

  • One or more long-term conditions
  • Require support with low-level mental health issues
  • Feel lonely / isolated
  • Have complex social needs

If you think the social prescribing service could help you, please self-refer yourself to the service by completing this form.

Overall, how was your experience of our service?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.